El empotrador de levas Totem Cam ofrece una extraordinaria capacidad de agarre y polivalencia de uso gracias a su sistema patentado de carga directa en las levas. Diseño exclusivo donde se han cuidado al detalle todos los aspectos a tener en cuenta en un empotrador de levas y con el que se logra ampliar el abanico de posibles emplazamientos. Tecnología que está cambiando la manera de afrontar los retos. Características:
Sistema patentado que aplica la carga perfectamente equilibrada en cada una de las cuatro levas.
Anchuras de cabeza bien proporcionadas, con la cabeza más estrecha para la talla menor.
Posibilidad de cargar solo dos levas. Consultar Instrucciones De Uso!
Se mueven menos una vez emplazados, debido a los fuertes muelles y la gran flexibilidad.
Fáciles de extraer.
Fácil manejo incluso con guantes.
Buen rango de expansión (64%).
Ligeros y duraderos.
No adecuados para uso como empotrador pasivo
Talla | Rango | Resistencia | Peso |
0.50 (negro) | 0.46-0.74″ 11,7-18,9mm |
6KN | 69gr |
0.65 (azul) | 0.54-0.89″ 13,8-22,5mm |
8KN | 75gr |
0.80 (amarillo) | 0.67-1.09″ 17-27,7mm |
9KN | 83gr |
1.00 (morado) | 0.82-1.35″ 20,9-34,2mm |
10KN | 95gr |
1.25 (verde) | 1.01-1.67″ 25,7-42,3mm |
13KN | 109gr |
1.50 (rojo) | 1.24-2.06″ 31,6-52,2mm |
13KN | 132gr |
1.80 (naranja) | 1.56-2.53″ 39,7-64,2mm |
13KN | 144gr |
Instrucciones De Uso (603Kb)
Certificado de conformidad UE (287Kb)
Cargar solo dos levas (136Kb)
Principios mecánicos del Totem Cam (390Kb)
Formulario de reparación (45Kb)
Rafa –
Sin lugar a dudas los mejores «amigos» que he tenido, son fiables y robustos
Joaquim –
Son la ostia, pero para cundo vais a fabricar mas grandes,el 3, 4, 5…? Vaaa i si los hacéis los compro pero fijo..!!!
Miguel –
Durante un tiempo estuve pensando nuevos diseños de friends. Cada vez que llegaba a los limitantes constructivos acababa convergiendo en los Totem. Sin duda, el mejor diseño del mercado.
Cesar DP –
Super contento con los tótem!
Los mejores friends para rocas irregulares como la caliza!
Segundo juego que utilizo.
Una pena que dejarán de fabricar los basic cam
Kuba Chrzan –
I use them for couple of years. The best «friends».
I wish there were some smaller sizes than the black one.
Carles Canós Astort –
Ostia, como puede ser que nadie haya valorado todavia! Pues sin duda este aparatito y todos sus hermanos són de los mejores empotradores de levas que haya probado. Robustos, bien pensados y mejor acabados funcionan a la perfección en todo tipo de roca y excepcionals en el conglomerado montserratino. Para cuando una talla más?
Paul B. –
‘Tier S’ cams !! All I want to use! I would love if there was at least one cam that was smaller than than the 0.50 (maybe a 0.40 or 0.35) and two cams that were larger that 1.80 cam ( maybe a 2.10 and 2.50). Also, since totem makes amazing cams, I bet they can make amazing carabiners that would color match the cams! Just an idea. Thank you totem for the awesome cams!
Rikard –
Now owner of two sets, love them! Superb bite, good range and narrow head… what more can you ask for?
…well I would ask for two things: Use the same color coding as (most) other brands for sizes and the second thing is to color code the black loops to have the same colors as the triggers, would be easier to see the correct color.
Mark –
Great cams. Aways feel strangely bomber even in funky placements where other cams might feel a little dicey. Never really understood the floppiness criticism of the larger cams, they’ve always been fine for me I rack all seven regularly. I also like that they’re made by a worker co-op, it is nice to have an opportunity to support an alternative to the capitalist mode of production while also getting the best protection the market has to offer.
My only criticism is due to their design they won’t hold a fall in passive mode. This is fine most of the time, but there are times where due to the nature of a particular crack a cam has an opportunity to «umbrella». Having seen first-hand a nasty, (potentially deadly) blown femur in Indian Creek due to an Alien falling into this orientation, I tend to supplement my rack of Totems with a rack of double-axle cams.
Tyler –
I would put 5 for holding power, structure, and coated protection. I can’t understand why I can’t find to dyn exp date. I looked all around the cables an do not see it . Does this mean a company sold me a full priced totem that didn’t past the required test??
I love totems and BDC4. That’s one thing they have all that info clear as day on the tag. So where again am I looking?
Totem MT –
Hello Tyler,
Thanks for your comment. Regarding to your question, if by «dyn exp date» you mean serial number marking, it is located under the «guide» of the Totem cam, that is the part where the cables pass through.The marking of manufacturing year is mandatory to get the CE certification.Please take a look at the Instructions for Use for complete information about this. For further questions please do not hesitate in contacting us.
Luis Martín –
El aportar los conceptos físicos del desarrollo de este componente es la mejor demostración de la calidad del trabajo.
Bien hecho y no es ni americano ni sueco ni japonés.
Daniel Carper –
Picked up a full set of totems, all 7 of them. Best call ever!! I have used Black diamond, Wild Country, and DMM and none are as good as totems. I have complete faith in them and trust them with my life regularly. I never worry about rock type and rarely ever find that they have walked. I almost have my friend convinced to buy a full set as well. Sad that they do not come in any bigger sizes. I’d recommend these to anyone who climbs.
Daniel Prouty –
Just got my 1st totem (black) to see how I like them. So far so good.
Curious about one thing though…why no date of manufacture on either the cam body or sling. When I first started climbing circa 1999 some brands were already stamping a date on their triggers or body and within a few more years most also added a date tag on the slings. I’d consider that to be pretty much standard now to have a date, but can’t find any on totem cams. Why not?
I built my rack up over time and also had to replace a few pieces over the years due to loss or damage and without dates on the newer pieces I wouldn’t trust my memory on their respective ages. Def good to know so you can have an idea of when you should resling (according to your comfort). I know people debate the importance and I admit I waited almost 20years to resling most of my own, but I consider this to be foolish now and will be doing it every 5 or 6 years from now on. My life is def worth the approx $80 including shipping on a full double set of cams and tcu’s.
Totem MT –
The marking of manufacturing year is mandatory to get the CE certification. In the Totem Cam, the manufacturing date is marked on the part we named as «guide». That is the part where all cables pass through. See the Instructions For Use for complete information about this.
Elias Annila –
Nicest cams to use out there and feel very solid even in wierd uneven placements. Unfortunately the durability of smaller pieces (black and blue) seems rather poor. I own doubles of blacks and blues and within a year of use all 4 cams have started to have frayed load bearing wires. I’ve used the cams often and they’ve all seen a handfull of falls. Still for 84€ piece I’d like to get more than a year of use. Haven’t had any problems with the larger sizes.
Henri –
The best «small» cams out there, use them for both free and aid climbing. There’s something about their range and unique lobe design that makes the placements feel solid, even in strange cracks and pods. I usually have other brand’s small cams on my rack as well and so many times I’ve failed to find a good placement with same size other brand cam and then have a really nice fit with a totem in exactly the same spot. Absolutely worth the premium price compared to competition!
Joakim Brorsson –
Favorite cam, by far. Could agree on the double loops being unnecessary. I get that aid climbers want the high loop. The long one could go – I pretty much always extend these anyway and they hang quite low from the harness. Just a minor thing though, Totem cams are the best!
Dennis –
I love those Things. I bought a full set about a year ago and I dont climb without them anymore. The only issue I have ist the maximum Size. I would love one even bigger cam to fill up some larger cracks. Is a bigger Range planned ?
I absolutely recommend to try them
Stewart –
Great product. High flexibility with ease of grip. Strong.
Alessandro –
Totem cam, una garanzia. Friend con un’altissima versatilità e capacità di fissarsi anche in piccoli buchi e fessure svase. Sul calcare sono sicuramente imbattibili, grazie alla compatta conformazione delle camme, che permettono un vasto utilizzo, anche in buchi altrimenti impraticabili con altri friend. Provati anche con i guanti senza riscontrare alcun fastidio.
Sofia I Petros –
Amazing cams! When dealing with pods, pinscars, or other funky placements where other traditional camming devices can’t quite handle, Totems always perform — with amazing bite, good range, and easy trigger! Climbing in Patagonia often means lots of funky «not-quite-so-crack» systems and unintentionally long (read: scary) run-outs but the Totems always save the day and adapt to a range of conditions and rock types!
J –
Started to climb 3 years ago and a friend told me to get a rack of totems and luckily I did. Absolutely love these cams, placements are amazing. I liked them enough to get a double rack of them and hardly ever bring out my BD pieces.
Spencer –
Love these things. They are great in slightly funky, uneven cracks that aren’t perfectly splitter. If I come up on a good vertical placement wild countries or BD cams are just fine. Any time the placement is a bit awkward, uneven, horizontal, or slightly flared, I reach for the totems. Even if it is a good splitter and I am making a tough move, I always use to totem. They feel so solid to fall on and always make me nice and fuzzy.
Joseph Parks –
I love these cams! Several people have said it and I’ll say it again, these are the first cams I reach for when placing pro on a route. I love the ease of the trigger and the narrow heads make it so quick and easy to get bomber placements, especially when you need it fast! I use these for free climbing and sections that used to be impossible to protect are now protected by bomber Totem placements! After using my new Totems on long multi-pitch routes for several days in a row, placing them in the rain, hail, and sun, and building anchors in a torrential downpour, I now consider Totems a necessity to any rack. Totems are the core of any cam rack for sure!
Bryce –
Excellent Cams! Nice to have a set of these in addition to other more traditional cams. The holding power and placement flexibility of Totems make them an easy first choice for any climb. The amount of times I’ve found a place for the black totem when no other cam would place confidently, is amazing. These are a little heavier than comparably sized cams from other manufacturers, but the fact that these can replace normal and offset cams makes up for their weight. Great work from Totem!
Totem MT –
Thank you for your review Bryce. We would like to point out that from Totem we consider that offset cams could in general offer a greater protection in outward flared cracks, maybe excepting the shallow ones, so if offset cams are or not replaceable by Totem Cams for any use case, should be judged with precaution.
Pat –
I own and use cams from many different brands and I climb on many different rock types. It does not matter if I am climbing on limestone, sandstone, granite or basalt; the first cams I reach for are the Totem cams. Totem cams are the best.
Micha –
I actually love the sling design because it works so well when French freeing. You can pull directly on the inner catch with your hand without interference from the carabiner of the outer catch when you’ve clipped that for protection. These are the best cams I’ve used to date and would not recommend any changes other than stiffening up the largest orange size or eliminating that flaccid thing.
John Bowman –
Amazing cams. Don’t walk much, great cam angle and range, good bite, narrow heads, independent lobe pairs make them infinitely adjustable offset cams, and two / three lobe placements totally doable for aid. Biggest improvement in cams since Friends were invented IMO.
One thing I don’t like is the sling. I would suggest losing the far bottom loop altogether, and raise the first loop an inch or so. As they are, the far end loop doesn’t extend far enough beyond the inner loop to make a significant difference. Just one, higher loop would make them rack much better, be better for aid, and you would use a QuickDraw as normal.